During all three of his appearances in Iowa, Governor Rick Perry continually answered questions regarding to the topic of immigration, especially ones pertaining to his decision to allow in-state tuition to children of illegal immigrants. Although he did apologize for referring to those who did not agree with his decision as "heartless," the Texas governor stood by his choice. Governor Perry stated that his intentions are to promote more "taxpayers not tax-wasters" by assisting children of illegal immigrants. Although the governor added that he had previously objected to allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses, and agreed with a law enforcing all Texans to provide adequate identification before voting, he failed to appeal to the viewers. Several audience members claimed that Governor Perry did not explain his decision to their satisfaction.
Texas Governor Rick Perry was questioned on his decision to grant the children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition during his appearances in Iowa. During a Republican debate, the governor defended his choice by stating that the children of these illegals should not be punished for being in their situation because they do not posses any control over it. Although he promotes the education of the children, Governor Perry is very against illegal immigration. He assures his voters that he spends a huge amount of time and money on making sure there is sufficient boarder control. The Texas governor also supports with Arizona with their immigration law. According to some listeners, he did not answer their questions to their full expectations, and after several attempts to obtain his audiences' attention, Governor Rick Perry did not succeed.
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