Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Presidential Election: Perry Attacks Romney

Summary: A recent video was released showing Rick Perry attacking Mitt Romney for being the inspiration for President Obama’s health care reform as well as him flip flopping his all of his statements. The overall message portrayed in this video is that Mitt Romney is not suitable for the White House. A website was unveiled where viewers could take a quiz about Mr. Romney, and each question is given two opposing answers, claiming that Mr. Romney said both of them. The video ends with Mr. Romney saying, “There are a lot of reasons not to elect me,” and then a clip of Mr. Obama saying, “he’s right.” The Romney campaign described Mr. Perry as a “desperate candidate” and gave examples of the problems with him since he entered the race.

Analysis: With the video of Rick Perry undermining Mitt Romney, he is trying to make it known that Mr. Romney is not the ideal candidate to run our country. The video contained video clips of Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama and they were distorted in a way that portrayed Mr. Romney very negatively. The Romney campaign fought back against Mr. Perry by discussing nineteen examples of what they called Mr. Perry’s “problem with the truth” since entering the race. It is obvious why Mr. Perry is so concerned with Mr. Romney because polls have shown that their numbers are getting closer in the race. This was the right way to handle this situation because instead of just letting Mr. Perry talk bad about him, Mr. Romney decided to do exactly what Mr. Perry did by addressing the problems with him as well. He is using the lesson from Hardball “hang a lantern on your problems” because what everyone is seeing as a disadvantage to him, he is using it to his advantage by going back and giving examples of why Mr. Perry is not fit for the race either.

Article: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/10/perry-video-attacks-romney-on-health-care/?ref=politics

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