President Obama's 2012 campaign has officially begun. President Obama understands that African Americans are frustrated, but he’s paying close attention to his base as he ramps up his 2012 campaign and fundraising efforts. The president will need an African American turnout to match the historic 2008 levels if he's to have a shot at winning a second term as president. On September 24th President Obama gave a speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Dinner reaching out and addressing the concerns of African American unemployment rate reaching a national average of 16.7 percent. President Obama has acknowledged that African Americans have been suffering far too long due to the stagnant recession. But African American's are frustrated with President Obama not living up to the concerns he had once addressed when running in 2008 that the recession is taking so long to reverse. President Obama explains, “So many people are still hurting. So many people are barely hanging on," he said, "And so many people in this city are fighting us every step of the way." President Obama needs his past African American supporters in order to have a chance at winning the 2012 election. The president also needs a large support group in order for passing his American Jobs Act, President Obama’s plan of action to stop the increasing rate of unemployment in our country. President Obama’s caucus speech showed the effective commencement to hiking up his grass-roots efforts across the Democratic African American spectrum. Congressional Black Caucus leaders remain fiercely protective of the nation's first African-American president, but in recent weeks they've been increasingly vocal in their discontent over the African American unemployment average. President Obama wants to communicate to the efforts that African Americans have been putting into getting jobs. The president affirms, "The future rewards those who press on, I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on."

On the Congressional Black Caucus’ website they place the Jobs Initiative campaign under the link titled “Issues”. This is a perfect example of using the grass-roots pathway of action to raise awareness of the problem of unemployment. President Obama is trying to relate and respond with African American voters in order to win back their African support in the 2012 elections. President Obama has acknowledged that African Americans have grown increasingly anguished as the African American unemployment national average grew to 16.7 percent this September. Their national average exceeds the overall United States national average rate of 9.10 percent unemployment due to the United States’ stagnant recession. President Obama has been reaching out to African Americans copiously in the media lately. Recently he sat down for a one-on-one interview with Black Entertainment Television, and followed this interview with the speech he delivered at the Congressional Black Caucus annual dinner event. President Obama is repotting his strong political following he had once attained in his 2008 campaign were he assured African Americans that he would spend a great deal of his presidency specifically endorsed to creating policies that address the concerns of black poverty and unemployment. African American’s were euphoric when Barak Obama won the presidency in 2008. But African American voters have grown increasingly impatient and bothered by the lack of efforts the president once said he would establish. All democratic voters, no matter the minority, need to understand that President Obama has only been in office for four years. In those four years he has accomplished great triumphs for our country as a whole in such a short amount of time. Democrats are impatient, and that is understandable but if President Obama wins re-election in 2012, he will be able to fight for the policies and concerns African Americans hoped for at the start of Barack Obama’s campaign. He has made it clear in recent news, "The future rewards those who press on, I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on." President Obama will put the people’s needs into full action when he wins re-election in 2012.
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