Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama calls on Congress to Quickly Pass his "American Jobs Act"

For many years the nation has been facing the big issue of unemployment. Last Thursday, President Obama delivered a speech to the nation, and in the speech he spoke about how the good of the nation is more important than the political benefits. Throughout the night, he is faced with mixed responses from Congress. Some Republicans feel that a compromise should be done to help solve the huge issue of unemployment but others feel that it is not going to work. For the most part, Democrats are very supportive of the plan that President Obama wants to create. Lastly, both parties and the President are concerned about the low approve ratings that they are being faced with.

President Obama really wants to be viewed in a good way. By President Obama proposing this act, it was showing that he was hanging a lantern on his problem. As learned in Hardball, when hanging a lantern on your problem it means that you’re going to fix whatever is not going the way it is supposed to be rather than waiting for someone else to come along and fix it. President Obama is doing just that because he created this proposal about unemployment and presented it to Congress, hoping that they will see what benefits will come out of it. Not all of Congress is satisfied with the proposal so the President got mixed reactions. Also, another idea that comes into mind when looking at the US government is checks and balances and separation of power. These two concepts come into play because the President can’t just go about passing this bill without having a majority vote in Congress. Also, the President isn’t allowed have all of the power in the country so he has to make sure that he includes Congress in his decisions. Lastly, congress is in a tough spot right now because only 12% of the country is satisfied with the job that they’re doing. So if the Republicans agree to this proposal, than it will raise the percentage of people who like what Congress is doing for the nation.

Link to video and article: http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/09/08/obama.jobs.plan/index.html?iref=obnetwork

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