Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Let's Pass this Bill, Now!"

On Monday September 12, 2011 President Barack Obama spoke to Congress in Washington of what is predicted to be the central theme of this fall: "Pass this jobs bill now". President Obama is advising lawmakers in Congress to put aside their “political games” and put country ahead of politics. President Obama is determined to push for a $447 billion package of tax cuts and new government spending. The Jobs Act is meant to increase hiring and stop the United State’s high unemployment rate. But, while the president’s new national hymn is “pass this bill now,” the legislation’s fate seems more along the lines of pass some of this bill at some point. Last Thursday President Obama reviled the The American Jobs Act. The American Jobs Act ensures smaller businesses will get a cut in their payroll taxes, as well as a tax holiday for hiring new workers. The plan provides $140 billion for modernizing schools, roads, and bridges. President Obama explains that these procedures are critical to maintaining economic competitiveness. President Obama wants Congress to this bill into action now. “On Thursday, I told Congress that I’ll be sending them a bill called the American Jobs Act,” President Obama said during Rose Garden remarks on Monday morning, holding up the proposal. “Well, here it is. American voters could not afford to wait 14 months until the next election for lawmakers to act.” Democrats have made complaints all year about Republican’s unwillingness to compromise with the President’s proposals. Congressional Republicans say that the president is being too inflexible with this Jobs Act. The Republicans in Congress are putting together what they consider a bipartisan solution to President Obama’s Jobs Act. The Republicans say that they will pick off pieces of the legislation to wind through their committees. Meaning they will come to some possible negotiations to bits and pieces if this bill. Those elements of his plan include the extension of a payroll tax holiday for employees and small businesses as well as an extension of unemployment benefits. However; this act will remain to be a large slit in the large partisan dived in Congress.

The initial jam with President Obama’s American Jobs Act is that the Republican Representatives in Congress are not willing to negotiate a fair compromise to the partisan spending facet of the Jobs Act. The largest portion of the bill puts action into modernizing schools roads, and increasing pay and employment for American citizens. Republicans do not want to support a bill that promotes closing corporate tax loopholes and ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their share to the rest of their fellow Americans. President Obama is urging Congress to make a decision for the Jobs Act. President Obama explains, “There is no shortage of good ideas, only a lack of political will to act.” President Obama is using a political hardball tactic of spinning the Republican Representatives and positioning himself using the power of his presidency on the media to outshine the republican opinion. He is spinning the republicans to look like the bad guys who can’t get over the deficit crisis. Then using his power on the media to position himself to represent the partisan ideology of the American people. President Obama is using the media as a force to pressure Congress and make something come of this bill. The President is representing American citizens directly by telling Congress the people of our country cannot wait around another 14 months for a decision. This is emphasizing another hardball tactic of all politics is local. President Obama is making it clear to the American people that this act is about their common good over the politics of the country’s economy and deficit. Putting you, the people, first; then he will deal with the other messy politics later. Republicans cannot grasp the concept of helping the welfare of the people in our country over the welfare of their own money. Republican’s show immense insatiability with money, while people are suffering in our country. This Jobs Act will be a wonderful accomplishment for President Obama if republicans can stop being so hardheaded and think about the benefit higher taxes will create for our country.

Refer to:

Fact Sheet: The American Jobs Act

Benefts of American Jobs Act:

1.Tax Cuts to Help America’s Small Businesses Hire and Grow

2.Putting Workers Back on the Job While Rebuilding and Modernizing America

3.More Money in the Pockets of Every American Worker and Family

4. Tax Relief for Every American Worker and Family

5. Fully Paid for as Part of the President’s Long-Term Deficit Reduction Plan -To ensure that the American Jobs Act is fully paid for, the President will call on the Joint Committee to come up with additional deficit reduction necessary to pay for the Act and still meet its deficit target. The President will, in the coming days, release a detailed plan that will show how we can do that while achieving the additional deficit reduction necessary to meet the President’s broader goal of stabilizing our debt as a share of the economy.

Web Sources:

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