President Obama’s speech about jobs last Friday was a very important event in his presidency. It was an important speech because it showed that President Obama is really starting to get serious about the election and the President used this issue to promote compromise between the different political parties. Republican consultant, Vinny Minchillo, and Democratic consultant, J.J. Balaban, both offered their analysis of the speech. Vinny Minchillo was impressed with how President Obama delivered his speech and how he used compromise in his new policy by explaining how the plan will benefit both Republican and Democratic agendas. This compromise will help The President get more votes from Republicans and Independents. J.J. Balaban said it was clearly part of President Obama's campaign. Balaban said it was the speech that the speech was the best so far in terms of starting his campaign going. Gaining credibility and respect in Congress is something that has really challenged the president in past years. This speech according to the speakers of the article is a turning point in his campaign and shows how he knows to use comprise in order gain votes.
President Obama is using spin in order to turn the issue of unemployment around to benefit him in the long run. The President keeps going back to how the bill will help cut taxes and give lower taxes to higher employed companies, this gives The President gets the chance to show Republicans that he has there interest in mind. At the same time, the President also assures his fellow Democrats that this plan will also benefit workers by making tax cut incentives for the businesses to rise there wages. This is effective spin because it shows that President can compromise on this issue and unemployment is very important to both parties and puts President Obama in a place will reflect well on him for re-election. President Obama also used his knowledge of both sides of the unemployment issue to his advantage by positioning himself not solely on the Democratic or Republican viewpoint and instead giving off the sense that he as The President would listen to both sides on this and many other issues.
Main article: http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2011/09/09/140330051/did-obamas-jobs-speech-seize-the-big-moment
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