Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Qualifying Ends with Many Incumbents Getting Free Ride

The fall elections are coming up and there are many people concerned about the politicians in Louisiana that don’t have any opponents in their races. More than half of state senators and 40% of the house members have won their races without competition. One reason is that many of politicians with their own money don’t end up running. Another reason is when running in an election, there are many financial sacrifices you have to make to run and since the economy is not at its best, it is hard to get the money. It is also hard to convince people to run because there are so many tough decisions that they would need to be made. The other reason is because governor Bobby Jindal is so popular and it is hard for Democrats to compete against Republicans when there is a very popular Republican governor. The many concerns of the people are not because of the candidates themselves but because of the health and democracy of the state of Louisiana. If there is no other competition, the candidates will have a free race and the people of Louisiana will not be able to elect the person that they want. Unless that person does something unlawful, the people will not have a say in whether they want that person to be in office anymore because there won’t be another competitor to take their spot.


This article is related to the pathway of elections. In order to get elected, politicians need to campaign and get public support. In order to get support and campaign, the politicians need money. Since the economy is low, many of these politicians don’t have the money to run or gain the support. The politicians also have a lot of responsibility when it comes to running in an election. Even if there is no one to run against, politicians have to worry about many things such as the voter’s preferences to help other members of their political party. Even though some politicians don’t have a competitor, they will always have to keep up their innovation because there is no debate or discussion of the issues.

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