Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Obama backs off tough clean air regulation"

On September 9, 2011, President Obama decided to back off clean-air standards in order to avoid contributing to unemployment. Republicans didn’t like what the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggested for the reason that stricter environmental regulations would slow down job development. The US Labor Department said that in America there were no new jobs created in the month of August. This is a main concern to unemployment, which President Obama is trying to decrease. At first Obama told the EPA to tighten up air regulations, but then he realized that if he did so, the unemployment number will keep rising. If Obama mandates the EPA to tighten up the regulations on clean air, companies will end up spending more money on disposing items correctly. This will result in people being laid off; unemployment. Obama’s main concern is unemployment; he wants to fix it by the end of his presidency and to do so he has to halt the plan to increase clean air standards.

To become president of the United States in 2008, President Obama used Lyndon Johnson’s style of retail politics. American citizens voted for him; using the election pathways, knowing that he would be accountable for all the decision he makes throughout his presidency. According to a daily poll, 39 percent of people strongly disapprove of Obama; his popularity has fallen slowly from 70 percents to now under 50. A large portion of this is due to the unemployment rate staying high. Now American people are taking this issue into their own hands by grassroots pathways; signing petitions, trying to impeach and form marches. Due to this, Obama’s economic adviser Austan Goolsbee stepped down from his position. Obama also needs to remember that all politics is local and for many people around the country the most important local issue is their economic situation not clean air. Obama is now coming to realize that continuing to destroy the economy will destroy his chances for re-election. Obama is now telling the EPA to back off of air regulations. It’s a domino affect; air regulations affect unemployment in a large way, and if the unemployment rate continues to rise it will continue to affect Obama’s chances of winning the next election.

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