Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Albert Florence Vs. Jail Strip Searching

For Albert Florence a 2005 traffic stop went from normal to anything but. After being pulled over and arrested in front of his family, Florence spent a week in jail. Florence had a mistaken warrant out for his arrest saying he had fines to pay, which he had in fact paid years prior. While in jail Albert says he was humiliated by being strip searched twice with no liable reason for doing so. The jails in which Florence is suing say they do strip searches in order to keep things safe and to make sure no weapons are smuggled into the jail. Florence fights back against the jails saying he was arrested on a minor charge, one he should not have been arrested for at all, and that there was no reason to suspect him of smuggling things into the jail. The question which awaits the Supreme Court is “does this violate prisoners’ rights to the fourth amendment?” and “is this unconstitutional or okay to do so?” While jail security says it’s for safety reasons, inmates see it as against their rights as US citizens. Florence still argues with “what threat did I pose” wondering why he was searched, the jail had no reason to suspect him of bringing drugs or weapons into the jail. Within the next month Albert Florence will finally get answers when his case goes to the Supreme Court.

Albert Florence says the fourth amendment was broken in 2005 when he was arrested on a minor charge and strip searched with no liable reason. Florence is taking is case to the supreme court in order to get justice. The supreme court is open for any US citizens use. His case questions the prisons ability to strip search prisoners arrested for a minor charge. Florence plans to us the court system in order to get justice in his case.

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