Even to get representatives and senators to introduce this jobs bill President Obama had to use a number of pathways to try and get the American people to understand the importance of his bill. The major pathways used were the election, cultural change and lobbying pathways. Obama needed an election-favoring yes to even get his bill to reach the senate floor. Also using lobbying pathways and cultural change, Obama talked to the American citizens and government officials to persuade/tell them about his bill. Essentially why the American citizens should be voting yes. The republicans do not agree with Obama’s Jobs bill, due to several flaws the most important being that wealthier people have to pay more money, when they believe that people should be making there own money, and just the pure cost of the bill. There is also a political part to this event, Republicans are rooting for the economy to fail intentionally, to make sure Obama does not get re-elected into office. This bill might stimulate the economy a Republicans worst fear currently. Most America citizens are hurting, they need a sense of urgency, instead of taxing the wealthier citizens, find the waste of money in government. Many people believe instead of using million's and million's on the war, we should be putting that money into our economy. Both parties need to come together and pass pieces of the Jobs Bill and raise government revenue. Website- NY Times
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