Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hawks Eye Post #2

“In Debate Republican Contenders Attack Obama”

Summery: All the Republican challengers verbally attacks Obama in this debate; but, Mitt Romney gets most of the attention and questions from the audience. In addition Texas Governor Rick Perry has not been doing so well in his debates and the polls are slipping. When asked about his plan, Perry did not seem ready or have a well thought out plan. Romney pointed out that he disagreed with “Obama’s actions to shore up General Motors and Chrysler,” even though he was very successful in doing so and most of the federal money was paid back. Romney claims that if he is elected he will work with “good” democrats to lead this country out of the economic crisis. Minnesota Rep. Bachmann also had something to say about Obama’s leadership. Bachmann believes that Obama wants medicare to collapse because he is pushing everyone into the health overhaul “Obamacare,” passed by the congressional Democrats in 2010. In addition to these Republican Contenders, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman and former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania was also criticizing parts of Obama’s administration. Obama fought back in the general election battleground of Pennsylvania.

Analysis: This debate was centered around what Obama was doing wrong, these Republican Candidates are not following the rule in Chris Matthew's book Hardball, “Keep Your Enemies In Front of You.” This chapter talks about how it is better to keep your friends close but enemies closer. Matthews writes on how to be a good politician you must shake hands and easily talk with your enemies. In addition keeping your enemies close might help you down the line, if they end up working for you it makes you look trust worthy and open-minded. The Republican Candidates did not follow this rule, they continued to go after Obama in this debate in order to make themselves look better.

Read more about this debate go here :

Go here to watch a video on this debate:

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