Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Week Ahead in Congress: Obama Brings Jobs Bill to Hill


The unemployment issue has been a major topic for the past two years, and the depressing reality is that the rate of unemployment has risen to a staggering 9% for 2011. Republicans in congress have made a commitment to put aside their differences with the president and majority of the Democratic Party to tackle the unemployment issue. The Republicans and The President have decided they will agree on a bill that includes tax cuts for employees and small businesses. President Obama would also like to endorse stimulus like infrastructure programs that help with building highways, and the federal aviation administration for helping planes land. The President plans on bringing the unemployment issue to Hill to resolve it with the supporting Republicans. The Republicans are also concerned with their overall image towards the country that they are willing to work in close partnerships with democrats. The touchy issue of unemployment is longing to be resolved and by the help of both the President and Republicans it can be achieved.


The strategy, "Keep Your Enemies in Front of You" expressed by Chris Matthews is very significant in this article. As President, Obama should make it a goal to always be on good terms with people who are opposed to his ideas so that he can look good to the general public. By coming to an agreement with Republicans on how to solve the unemployment issue President Obama is keeping his enemies in front of him by obligating them to work with him. Many Republicans are strongly opposed to Obama's ideas so by coming to an agreement with each other they are following the strategy by putting aside their differences for the country. Republicans are determined as well as The President to try and resolve the unemployment issue, and by working on the task of passing the jobs bill they are "enemies working together". Once you have your enemies working for they are less likely to go against you because whatever you are demonstrating they've helped contribute to (explained by Chris Matthews). With the Republicans working mutually with The President and other Democrats the issue of unemployment should be solved by the joint ideas and the bill could successfully pass.

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