Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mayor Mitch Landrieu's Attempt to Decrease Murder Rates

The city of New Orleans has a murder rate that is 10 times more than the national average of murders that occur in one year. Mayor Mitch Landrieu is trying to put this unusually high average to a stop. He is holding a meeting at the UNO Lakefront Arena on Saturday from 10 am – 12 pm. To help with the decrease of the murder rates, Landrieu hired James Carter (former city councilman) to work with police officers to pinpoint what exactly is causing this violence and murder. Landrieu secured $4.2 million to help in the decrease of the murder rates in this city. Landrieu and Carter came together to make it a goal to reduce the murder rate in New Orleans by 5% in only one year (2011). A study that was recently done shows that murderers don’t kill victims because of drugs or alcohol usage, but actually because of arguments that the two people got into in the past.

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