Political change is going on it washington right now when a public poll said that 2/3 of americans would vote for a qualified gay presidential candidate. This may be in the near future. President Obama has elected 4 gay candidates for the bench in the Supreme Court and there has been a already confirmed federal judge. Gay rights groups are happy with there current progress, having gained serious political ground. The house filed the legal brief, Defense of Marriage Act, thats prevents any gay marriage preformed legally in a state to be federally recognized. DOMA will not go in front of any judges until 2013. California's proposition 8 appeal is bouncing back from california courts to 9th circuit courts. Judge Joseph Tauro ruled it unconstitutional that DOMA defined marriage as a legal union only between one man and one woman. That appeal is in 1st Circuit courts. Gay rights being meet through judicial means is a distinct possibility for the near future.

Gay rights groups are using the court pathway of action. They are gaining there means through the courts and so far it has been exceedingly successful. They have found that this pathway of action has helped to give there cause serious political ground. Many americans and other politicians are speaking up and supporting gay rights. If and when these cases are brought to the supreme court, there will most likely be a decision made in favor of these gay rights movements. Another issue that the court may face when presented with these cases is weather same sex marriage is a state power or a federal power. The same butting heads that the court sees all the time. Is it constitutional for the federal government to control weather states acknowledge same sex marriage? We will see the Supreme Court make a decision on this issue in the near future.

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