Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Iraq War: a tricky game of Hardball Politics

It is June 2011, and President Obama is feeling the pressure to please surrounding constituencies with his scheduled Afghanistan policy announcement. The only other previous announcement pertaining to the War in Afghanistan made by President Obama of this size has occured on December 1, 2009. The revealing of this largely anticipated war decision is going to occur on the eve of President Obama's re-election campaign. The reactions of loyal and liberal supporters of the Presdient, opponents in the Republican Party, military Commanders and Congress to this war anouncement are a very crucial factor for President Obama's success. Pressure of the announcement's pivotal date and the difficult task of pleasing contrasting organizations sets up a tricky game of war politics for President Obama to play.

Hardball Politics are a very present subject President Obama is faced with when making his decisions about the United State's position in the Iraq War. There are so many important factors that relate to this decision; a good game of hardball is inevitable for President Obama to play. In this specific event, the goal of the game for everyone is to succesfully end the war. Liberals and loyal democratic supporters of President Obama attack him with oppositions to the United States's expansion in the war. In contrast, the Republican Party and military Commanders attack him with critical views of necesarry US expansion. All things war related cause reactions in Congress to be quite controversial. Realistically, in order for President Obama to maintain himself politically; all 12 hardball strategies are needed to be used by President Obama when making the decision of the United States's role in the Iraq War.

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