Sunday, September 18, 2011

In the last Republican debate, each candidate had to respond to a question which they were asked. Rick Perry, Governor of Texas and leader in the polls, was criticized and questioned on his beliefs of mandatory vaccinations, and Social Security. Perry claimed, based on the negative response he got from the way he handled the vaccination of girls, he would have handled the situation differently. Michelle Bachmann and Mitt Romney both aimed to create the public to feel uncertainty towards Perry’s ideas. Romney did this by seeing if Perry would stick by his controversial words and ideas about Social Security. Perry spun his situation by clarifying his idea of Social Security. He explained the people that are getting Social Security or paying for it will be covered by the current program. However, he added that the younger age group would have to take responsibly for helping the Untied States in its time of need by paying for this Social Security.

The political debates let the viewers see the ideals of each candidate, as a president how they would function, and how the candidates handle their opponents. The political debates will determine which candidate will be the final Republican candidate by eventually weeding Republicans out of the GOP. In this debate many political strategies were used. Candidate Perry was targeted with many questions of his controversial views. He used spin to be make all viewer see his views as appealing and agreeable. These are extremely important to determine how the candidate will get their points across and overall determine how their ideals will come across to the America people. The person that will come out ahead will be the candidate that knows how to play Hardball.

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