Monday, September 12, 2011

Pawlenty Endorses Romney for President

As the presidential race for the Republican candidate continues, it’s becoming more obvious who is on whose side. Tim Pawlenty recently dropped out of the presidential race after a third-place showing in Iowa’s straw poll last month. Instead of completely giving up on the election, he is now giving his full support to the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Pawlenty explained that Romney is the ideal candidate for the Republican Party with his private sector experience, as well has his policy experience. The only problem is convincing voters that Romney’s health care plan differs from Obama’s. Pawlenty assured everyone that Romney is definitely repealing Obamacare. He also wants to fix social security rather than completely abolishing it like Rick Perry had talked about doing. Pawlenty now has no desire to be a part of the ticket as vice presidential nominee. Since he has now publicly endorsed Romney, his main focus now is to help Mitt win the race.



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