Tuesday, September 13, 2011

President Obama unveils American Jobs Act

On Monday, September 12, President Obama unveiled a jobs bill that will end tax breaks for wealthy Americans and cut taxes by about $1500 for the middle class. The bill will also fund new jobs and prevent layoffs without adding to the staggering deficit that the country is currently facing by raising around $467 billion in taxes. The president is hopeful that bipartisan ideas incorporated into the American Jobs Act will sway the Republicans in Congress to pass the bill, insisting that political differences must be put aside in order to heed the demands of the People. Republicans, however, are less certain of the bill as a whole being passed. It is more likely, GOP representatives have said, that the bill will be passed piecemeal. President Obama intends to have the American Jobs Act passed immediately, as the job crisis in America is a pressing issue that cannot wait until later this year or early next year.
President Obama hopes to force the Republicans in Congress to pass the new jobs bill by drawing American attention to the stalemate in Washington between the Democrats and the GOP that prevents any action. Calling for politics to be put aside and for the needs of the American public to be addressed is artful positioning away from bureaucracy and towards the common man. The job crisis in America is a major issue that is shaping the debate for the Republican presidential candidacy, and addressing the issue will keep the game constantly changing for the candidates and is also an attempt to draw attention away from the new candidate and increase approval of the current president, whose ratings are at an all-time low. Rushing the bill is another play for approval before Obama must begin his campaign for re-election.

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