Monday, September 12, 2011

GOP Stays Silent

Congress stayed mostly silent throughout President Obama's speech on Thursday September 8, 2011 about his job plan. Currently, the United States has a Democratic President and a majority Republican House of Representatives, so they can veto each other (and prevent bills from being passed). The only reason that the Republican Congressional Leaders attended the speech is because they wanted to be respectful. However, they would rather be solving the problem rather than listening to it. Onlookers realized that President Obama's tone was aggressive, called a fighting speech by some attendees. He tried to push passing the bill, before even explaining the details that the bill would stand for.
Both sides of Republicans and Democrats say that they will try to work together. Instead of putting in effort, they are standing their ground on how they feel. Presidents get elected by the people every four years, and try to pass a big plan right before Election Day. Congress thinks that President Obama is only putting the jobs plan into effect is because there is an election coming up. President Obama gave a speech about his $447 billion plan to get the economy moving, and create new jobs, including a part about giving jobs to veterans. Usually at the end of a speech the audience would stand up and clap or cheer, but in this speech the Republicans did not. Not everybody cheered because agreeing with his bill was difficult for some, they thought it was only to get himself reelected and not sincerely for the people. The whole speech was to political for them to handle and would raise taxes in the process. By Republicans responding the way that they did, their actions led others to think they do not care about what he has to say.
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